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Pregnancy Trimester by Trimester


Welcome To The First Trimester

Around week 7 your baby will be as big as a


Week 1 - 12

The first trimester is from the start of pregnancy until 12 weeks and the busiest from baby's developmental point of view. A normal pregnancy lasts anything from 37 to 42 weeks.

  • Week 1-3

    Pregnancy officially starts.

    • Pregnancy officially starts from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period (LMP). The inner lining of the womb prepares to receive a fertilised egg between ovulation and menstruation.
    • All the genetic material that will be baby's blueprint for life is contained in the rapidly dividing ball of cells.
    • An ultrasound scan shows rudimentary signs of pregnancy from about 3 weeks after conception
    • Cell division is an on-going process and soon a mulberry like cluster of almost-transparent cells, called a ‘morula' forms.

    A quantitative blood test shows the pregnancy hormone HCG* within 24 hours, although at this stage there is still significant room for error.

    A quantitative blood test shows the pregnancy hormone HCG* within 24 hours, although at this stage there is still significant room for error.

    *Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a pregnancy hormone produced by the immature developing placenta as soon as the fertilised egg cell implants in the endometrium. HCG levels in mother's urine and blood can confirm pregnancy with great accuracy if done at the correct time.

  • Week 4

    Your baby is the size of a Poppy Seed.

    The cell cluster doubles in size every day at this stage with about 1,000 cells in the cluster by the end of this week.

    A fairly accurate positive pregnancy can be determined 10-14 days after last menstrual period with a home urine pregnancy test.

    • The cell cluster starts to form an inner and outer group.
      - The inner cluster will become the budding embryo, your baby-to-be.
      - The outer group of cells become the placenta and other pregnancy support structures.
    • The sense of touch develops one month after conception and is crucial for brain development and emotional well-being of the unborn baby.
    • The placenta develops by growing protrusions that imbed in the blood rich inner wall of the womb and will soon take over the vital functions to keep baby alive and thriving.
  • Week 5

    Your baby is the size of a Sesame Seed.

    Your baby is starting to form. The cell structure forms a third layer and different cells start developing differently to fulfil various, specific roles.

    • The top layer of cells is called the neural tube and becomes the brain, the spinal cord, the nerves, and the skin.
    • The digestive system forms from the central layer of cells.
    • The bottom layer of cells gives rise to vital organs like the heart, to the muscles and the skeleton.
    • The part of the embryo called the yolk sac produces blood cells but it isn't a yolk at all.

    Pickle your fancy?

    Pregnancy cravings are not uncommon at this stage with expecting moms craving the weird and wonderful.

  • Week 6

    Your baby is the size of a Sweet Pea.

    Baby can easily be seen with the naked eye at this stage and is slightly starting to wiggle.

    I'm going through changes…tiny changes

    • The breathing and digestive systems are still not differentiated and exist as a single tube.
    • The inner structure of the lungs starts developing this week.
    • Baby's heart is about 2 millimeters from top to bottom and can be seen beating on ultrasound between six and eight weeks.
    • By the end of Week 6, the embryo is 4 millimeters long.

    The embryo lies curved, already hinting at the well-known foetal position, just like a small apostrophe.

  • Seeing Double?
    Maybe Triple?

    Twins are the most common multiple pregnancy, with an incidence of about one in 90 to 100 births. More black than white women giving birth to twins.

    Triplets are fairly rare at one in about 9 000 pregnancies and quadruplets, quintuplets and so on even less frequent.

    Multiples, other than twins, are nowadays more often than not the result of fertility drugs, occurring very rarely naturally.

  • Week 7

    Your baby is the size of a Blueberry.

    My changes are getting bigger!

    • While baby's arms continue to develop during this week, leg buds also emerge along with rudimentary hands that look like paddles.
    • Folds of tissue can be noticed on the head will become chin, cheeks and ears. At this stage the mouth is just a hollow in the head.
    • The main air pipe called the trachea and the gullet or oesophagus now begin to separate into two distinct tubes.
    • The brain was the first organ to develop and in this week alone has increased in size by 25 percent being the most developed organ.
    • Baby appears to have a tail but this is an extension of the spine that will disappear.

    Can you hear my heart beat!

    The heart too has significantly developed and, although it does not have heart chambers yet, it begins to beat.

  • Week 8

    Your baby is the size of a Raspberry.

    I'm officially a fetus and a complete little human being!
    Fetus means “offspring” or “young one”.

    • The head is now about half the length of baby's body and baby's forehead bulges prominently. At birth the head will be one quarter of baby's total body length.
    • The babies face starts to take form. The upper and lower jaws form this week with the first hint of eyes that can be seen at the sides of the head. By the end of this week, baby sprouts a slight bulge on the face that will become the nose and small shell-like outer ears now develop, emerging from low on the head.
    • Milk teeth start forming in the sockets in the jaw.
    • The babies most vital part of its immune system starts forming in the form of bone marrow that will manufacture blood cells.
    • Arms and legs now grow rapidly with little fingers and toes forming from the babies paddle like hands and feet.
    • To add to the rapid growth spur, the intestines and kidneys develop, muscles form around the soft cartilage that will soon harden into bones.
  • Week 9

    Your baby is the size of a Grape.

    The heart has developed two chambers from the single tube and will eventually have four.

    • The legs are bent at an angle so that the soles of the feet face each other.
    • Cartilage skeleton is now being systematically replaced by bone cells, but will only harden shortly before birth.
    • The babies tiny arms now start bending by the elbow.
    • On the inside of the babies developing mouth, the tongue is now starting to form.
    • The babies head is now beginning to appear rounder with the eyes that are slowly making their way to the front of the face.
  • Week 10

    Your baby is the size of a Strawberry.

    • The babies heart has now fully developed with four heart chambers and is beating between 120 - 140 beats per minute. On an ultrasound it looks like a flashing asterisk.
    • Eyes are not fully developed with tiny details like the eye pigmentation and eyelids forming.

    What's that taste and smell?

    At 2 months the average baby has by now formed taste buds and has developed olfactory glands that are responsible for smell.

    • The liver starts to produce red blood cells that now flow through major blood vessels, an important part of the circulatory system.
    • Although still not in the final position, the full ear is now developed, all the way down to the small inner, middle and outer ear.
    • Brain waves can now be measured on an electro-encephalogram (EEG).
    • Muscles in the trunk, head and limbs rapidly develop and larger muscles are now able to contract.
  • Week 11

    Your baby is the size of a Lime.

    • The babies liver is now large, making up 10% of the babies weight and blood circulation removes waste products from the ever growing baby.
    • Major development in the babies head starts to take form, the baby's head is now rounder and slowly stops getting bigger. In the mouth, the palate forms as well as rudimentary sockets for adult teeth are already taking shape below the milk teeth.
    • Within the abdomen, the intestines rotates and sets in place with the now developed diaphragm dividing the chest from the abdomen.
    • The baby's body begins to grow and quickly becomes double the size of the head.

    The babies fingers can still not move individually at this stage, but tiny fingernails begin to grow on the babies fingers and toes.

  • Week 12

    Your baby is the size of a Lemon.

    I look like a little human!

    The baby's face is now distinctly formed and the baby can even scrunch their face. Even fingers and toes are complete!

    • Although structure and function of organs still need to grow and mature, most of them now begin primitive functioning.
      - the pancreas manufactures digestive enzymes and insulin. - the thyroid is also functioning on its own.
      - lungs are slowly developing with early chest movements beginning, preparing the baby for breathing.
    • By week 12, the perfect but skinny baby is surrounded by 50 cubic cm of amniotic fluid that it now begins to swallow to nourish its growing body and assist in its growth.
    • The baby's iris is also now fully developed.
  • You've reached the end of your first trimester!

    Your baby is now 9cm long in average and weighs between 55 and 60 grams!

    Continue to Trimester 2

Welcome To The Second Trimester

Around Week 23 Your Baby Will Be As Big As A


Week 13 - 27

The first second is from week 13 until 78 weeks and is described as the ‘honeymoon' phase.
All early niggles and discomforts have passed and our expecting mom begins to enjoy little baby kicks emerging in her belly!

  • Week 13

    Your baby is the size of a Peach.

    Welcome to the honeymoon phase!

    • The second trimester of pregnancy stretches from week 13 to week 28 and is often called the honeymoon phase because many of the early niggles and discomforts have passed.
    • One notices posture changes in baby as more muscles develop and the skeleton becomes stronger.
    • Independent hormone production is now possible while until now baby's endocrine requirements have been produced by the mother.
    • Baby now stretches and exercise its arm and leg muscles.

    Tiny bones are beginning to form in baby's arms and legs. Because he can move them in a jerky fashion, he may be able to get his thumb into his mouth soon — a habit that may come in handy for self-soothing when he's a newborn.

  • Week 14

    Your baby is the size of a Pear.

    Spending the night on your side—specifically the left side is the best sleep position during 14 week pregnancy.

    With their rapidly developing brain baby now begins to respond to bright light that penetrates the mother's abdominal wall.

    • Your baby's pigments for hair colour now starts to be produced, with their unique fingerprints and wrinkly loose skin.
    • Baby's eyes have moved closer together, their ears have reached their final position and urine starts to pass.
    • By this week baby's kidneys have the typical kidney shape, and their sweat glands begin developing.
  • Week 15

    Your baby is the size of an Apple.

    • Your baby's current home is the amniotic sac in your uterus. The uterus begins about four or five inches below your navel.
    • Baby's heartbeat may be able to be heard through a specialized hand-held stethoscope called a fetoscope now.
    • Meconium, baby's waste products of pregnancy, start collecting in the intestines now.
    • At this stage, baby may change position as often as 20 times each hour.

    You're getting there!

    Be kind to yourself! You're going through lots of unfamiliar physical changes and you might be anxious too.
    You are, after all, growing an entire person!

  • Week 16

    Your baby is the size of an Avocado.

    Lanugo which is fine body hair, grows on baby's shoulders, ears, back and forehead.

    Looking more and more like Mom and Dad

    • With eyelashes beginning to develop and eyebrows are being pencilled in by Mother Nature.
    • Baby's heartbeat will show on a scan by now and looks like a flashing asterisk on the screen.
    • Baby's head is very large in proportion to the body, so that brain tissue can grow unimpeded.

    One can mostly identify baby's gender from about 16 weeks on sonar, if baby lies in such a way that the genital area is visible.

  • Week 17

    Your baby is the size of an Onion.

    My muscles are getting stronger!

    • Baby is more active and movements are more vigorous in the womb from this week, as their muscles are becoming increasingly strong.
    • Baby's hands each have 27 bones, and they are all formed now, movement feels like air bubbles or butterflies but not constant.
    • Baby can grip index finger and thumb together from now. The skin still looks loose and wrinkled but accumulation of fat will soon start.
    • Baby's sensory systems develop in a specific order – touch, smell, taste, hearing, vision.

    Did You Know?

    Your baby now has doubled in weight in the last two weeks. Fat begins to form, helping your baby's heat production and metabolism.

  • Week 18

    Your baby is the size of a Mango.

    Can you believe baby is yawning, hiccupping, sucking and swallowing? They're twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too and are big enough that you might be able to feel them doing it!

    • Arms and legs are now in perfect proportions.
    • Baby's immune system is producing its own antibodies.
    • In female babies the ovaries have already formed millions of eggs.
    • Baby can be noticed to have a pattern to sleep and wakeful periods.
    • Little ears are working — your baby can now hear sounds!
  • Week 19

    Your baby is the size of a Sweet Potato.

    • Your baby's sensitive skin is now covered in “Vernix caseosa”, a waxy, white substance that protects baby's skin during the long months in the amniotic fluid.
    • Nipples have appeared over the breast area by this stage and head circumference on average of16.4 cm.
    • Baby's eyelids have been closed since about week 10, but now begin to open and close.

    Tip for this week:

    Take care of yourself! Try not to get overtired while the baby is growing so quickly.

  • Week 20

    Your baby is the size of a Banana.

    I'm growing!

    Baby weighs about 250 grams, with about 6% of the total body weight as fat at this stage.

    Baby hears maternal heartbeats, breathing, and even intestinal sounds. While in a muted fashion they can also hear the outside world.

    • Baby can sometimes be seen or felt to move to the sound of its mother's voice. - Quiet music has been found to soothe and settle babies in the womb.
      - Lively, rhythmic music makes a baby more active.
    • Baby has reached about half its birth length with unique fingerprints completely formed and scalp hair continuing to grow
    • Usually, unborn babies sleep for 20-40 minutes at a time (occasionally up to 90 minutes), and they don't move when they're asleep.
  • Week 21

    Your baby is the size of a Turnip.

    Congratulations! This week begins the second half of your pregnancy. If you're interested in childbirth classes, now's a good time to start looking for one.

    • Baby's growth rate is slowing down, but its organs are still maturing.
    • If your baby is a boy, their testes have formed but remain in their abdomen.
    • You may notice stretch marks on your breasts or belly. Your uterus is starting to extend above your navel.

    The unborn baby's immunity is now far stronger and there is resistance to diseases the mother has immunity against.

  • Week 22

    Your baby is the size of a Grapefruit

    • Baby's length at this stage is about 18cm and weighs a little more than 340g now.
    • Baby may be furrowing those tiny brows! Your baby is becoming more and more responsive to external stimuli.
    • Your baby's inner ear is adult size.
    • The retinas of your baby's eyes are fully developed. Many babies regularly suck their thumbs in pregnancy and are born with callouses.

    Watch what you say!

    Baby's ears are beginning to hear and process sounds from inside your body — your breathing, your rumbling tummy, your heartbeat.

  • Week 23

    Your baby is the size of a Pomegranate.

    It's now easier to tell that those little kicks are actually your baby and not just gas bubbles. You may also be feeling warmer than usual and possibly notice some changes in your eyes and vision.

    Fine, silky hair called lanugo develops all over baby's body from now, grows in whirling patterns and helps insulate and protect the baby in the womb.

    • The umbilical cord contains two arteries and one vein.
      - The vein carries blood rich in oxygen and nutrients from the placenta to the baby.
      - The umbilical arteries return oxygen-poor blood to the placenta.
    • Amniotic fluid is a pale, straw coloured liquid consisting 99% of water.
    • Baby sheds skin cells, lanugo and vernix into the amniotic fluid.
  • Week 24

    Your baby is the size of a of an Eggplant.

    Your baby is getting stronger!

    • Baby's eyes open and are light sensitive, They blink when startled by loud noises.
    • The eye and the inner ear develop from the same source cells.
    • Baby's skin looks less transparent at this stage while body and head are also far more in proportion to each other.
    • The liver takes up most of the abdominal cavity as liver produces red blood cells.
    • Testes are present close to the inguinal ring of the groin.

    The unborn baby's immunity is now far stronger and there is resistance to diseases the mother has immunity against.

  • Week 25

    Your baby is the size of a Cabbage.

    • Dad might be able to hear baby's heart by placing his ear on mom's abdomen.
    • Baby's nostrils have formed and may open by the end of this week with the spine structure evolving really well.
    • Most development from now on is about maturing of organs and structures and growth.
    • A baby's eyes are almost always dark blue or black in the womb and only change from several weeks after birth.

    Hair debut?

    If your baby-in-waiting has hair, and not all do, the texture may actually be seen at this stage of the game.

  • Week 26

    Your baby is the size of a Lettuce.

    At 26 weeks pregnant, you're rounding the corner of the second trimester and you are almost to the third!

    Your baby's beautiful eyes may open this week. Symptoms-wise, you may be struggling more with pregnancy insomnia and clumsiness as your tummy continues to grow.

    Baby's sense of smell starts to develop, and they can nod and shake their heads.


    If a full night's rest has become elusive, welcome to the (sleepless) world of pregnancy insomnia.

  • Week 27

    Your baby is the size of a Cauliflower.

    Hurrah! Welcome to the last week of the second trimester — the end is near and you can see the light!

    • Your baby's heart rate has slowed down a little, to about 140 beats per minute - although this is still super-speedy compared to your own.
    • Big news: Your baby may recognize both your and your partner's voices by now.
    • Your baby, on the other hand, is fine-tuning skills of his own … and let's just say your voice is music to his ears.

    Baby's got hiccups?

    If you're feeling unusual movements in your belly, it may be hiccups. As baby's lungs continue to develop, chances of hiccups increase.

  • You've reached the end of your second trimester!

    Your baby is now 32cm long in average and weighs about 1 kilogram now!

    Continue to Trimester 3

Welcome To The Third And Final Trimester

Towards The End Of Your Pregnancy Your Baby Will Be As Big As A


Week 29 - 40

It's the official start of the third trimester — congratulations!

  • Week 28

    Your baby is the size of a Broccoli.

    Welcome to the honeymoon phase!

    • Your baby is settling into the proper position for birth, which will be head-down toward your body's nearest exit!
    • Baby could breathe alone if born now but much maturing is necessary. Their lungs are fully developed but require maturing still.
    • Sometimes, as space for movement becomes less toward the end of pregnancy, baby's movement might seem more infrequent or less vigorous, but regular patterns remain important.
    • Baby is able to distinguish between sweet and sour tastes, and starts responding to light and sound stimuli.

    A little uncomfortable

    You may not always feel like celebrating if you're dealing with common Week 28 symptoms like back pain and sciatica.

  • Week 29

    Your baby is the size of a Coconut.

    • Baby is running out of room in there, but you should still feel him squirming and moving regularly.
    • Since space in your baby's living quarters is now at a premium, you'll be feeling jabs and pokes from elbows and knees, mostly.
    • They'll be more vigorous and less erratic than before because your baby is stronger and excitedly responding to all sorts of stimuli — movement, sounds, light and that candy bar you ate half an hour ago. Baby's bones are all formed but they are still soft and flexible.

    Baby's first smile

    Your baby may begin to smile this week, especially in their sleep.

  • Week 30

    Your baby is the size of a Papaya.

    Your baby is filling out fast at 30 weeks of pregnancy, meaning your bump may be popping even more now. A big part of that growth is in baby's rapidly developing brain. Until now, its surface was smooth — but now, your fetus' brain is taking on those characteristic grooves and indentations. Those wrinkles allow for an increased amount of brain tissue — a necessary change as your baby prepares to develop street smarts for life outside your womb.

    • The Moro or fright reflex is already present.
    • Baby's movements are sustained for longer periods at a time.

    Another big change at 30 weeks pregnant: Your baby's bone marrow has completely taken over production of red blood cells — before, tissue groups and then the spleen took care of producing the blood cells. This is an important step for your baby because it means she'll be better able to thrive on her own once she's born.

  • Week 31

    Your baby is the size of a Butternut Squash.

    Your baby is very active, moving around, sucking their fingers, and doing the odd somersault.

    • Baby's brain waves can be detected and show wakeful and sleep patterns.
    • Rapid eye movement (REM) or dream sleep occurs at this stage.
    • Inner ear organs that regulate balance are mature enough for baby to regulate its own position in the womb.
    • Baby can taste, hear, see and feel and when baby's born, even be able to recognize the distinct smell of her very own mom.

    Brain Connections

    Your baby's brain connections are developing at a rapid pace, which is a good thing since he has to make billions of them!

  • Week 32

    Your baby is the size of a Cantaloupe.

    Your baby is busy cultivating real-life tricks like sucking, breathing and swallowing.

    And you may be doing some rehearsals of your own in the form of Braxton Hicks (or practice) contractions ahead of the big day.

    • Your baby can focus on large objects that are not too far away, and this ability to focus will stay that way until birth.
    • Fat layers are rapidly accumulating under the skin, making baby bonny and cuddly.
    • His toenails and fingernails have grown in, along with real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz).
    • Baby's heart pumps about 23.7 litres of blood a day in the womb.
  • Week 33

    Your baby is the size of a Pineapple.

    I'm getting stronger

    • By now your baby's nervous system is fully developed.
    • Their bones are also starting to firm up. When baby hears your voice, her heart rate may slow down, meaning she's more calm, and she's also able to distinguish light from dark in her small environment.
    • Your baby can also demonstrate the rooting reflex by turning their head and opening their mouth in response to a touch or stimulation of the cheek.

    Plan ahead!

    Life with a little one is going to be a whole new world. Think about getting your house baby ready. Consider stocking your freezer with meals for the early days when cooking will be difficult.

  • Week 34

    Your baby is the size of a Honeydew Melon.

    With 34 weeks down, you're cruising through month 8 of your pregnancy.

      • Your little bambino is now weighing in at about 2,1kgs. Meanwhile, your uterus keeps on growing (and growing) to accommodate the bigger bun in the oven.
      • If your baby is a boy, then this week the testicles are making their way down from the abdomen to the scrotum.
      • Baby's tiny fingernails have probably reached the tips of his fingers by now — and are getting ready for that first postpartum manicure.

    Babies have mostly turned into the head-down position by 34 weeks, although it is quite possible to still turn right up to the end or even when in labour!

  • Week 35

    Your baby is the size of a Kale.

    At the 35-week mark, you're wrapping up month 8 of your pregnancy with one month left to go.

    • Your little one may be starting to make an exit plan by shifting to the heads-down position, all while working on important preparations such as building body fat and brain matter.
    • Your body is also in prep mode: You may feel some Braxton Hicks contractions as your uterine muscles practice for the big day.
    • The placenta allows oxygen and food to be exchanged between baby and the mother. The brain continues to grow at a rapid pace, though growth of the rest of the body slows down from now on.
    • The skull remains soft and for good reason: A soft skull will allow your baby to squeeze more easily through the birth canal.
  • Week 36

    YYour baby is the size of Celery.

    Your soon-to-be infant is eavesdropping more these days, thanks to a newly sharp sense of hearing, and he may also be possibly dropping lower into your pelvis.

    This final month may bring extra joint flexibility (and less ideally, pelvic pain) as loosening and softening hormones kick in ahead of labor.

    Your baby's lungs are probably mature enough to breathe outside the womb without any help. That's a big deal!

    Your baby looks more like an infant this week, with chubby little legs and pink-tinted skin — even in babies of color because of the blood vessels just beneath the surface.

  • Week 37

    Your baby is the size of a Leek.

    At 37 weeks, you're 9 months pregnant with the end in sight.

    Your baby is practicing special skills this week (like sucking his thumb and grasping) that he'll show off upon his arrival.

    • The pupils in baby's eyes responds too light, and baby's skeleton hardens near the end of pregnancy.
    • It's a little crowded in your uterus, so he may not be kicking as much. Instead, your baby's probably stretching, rolling a bit and wiggling — all of which you'll be able to feel!
    • Here's an interesting fact: At birth, your baby's head — which, by the way, is still growing — will be roughly the same circumference as his chest.
  • Week 38

    Your baby is the size of a Pumpkin.

    With 38 weeks in the books, month 9 of pregnancy is about halfway done.

    Your baby's lungs are stronger and she's getting ready to announce her entrance into the world.

    • It may come sooner than you think, especially if you experience a heads-up in the form of your mucus plug or bloody show.
    • Two weeks and counting — unless, of course, your little bean decides to make a late entrance. Just as your baby is preparing for life outside the womb, at 38 weeks pregnant, your body is tending to its own final touches before the big day.

    Your baby's eyes right now are blue, grey or brown, but once they're exposed to light, they may change color or shade.

  • Week 39

    Your baby is the size of a Watermelon.

    Congrats are in order: Your baby is considered full-term now that month 9 is drawing to a close!

    Though your adorable baby isn't aware that you're expecting his arrival any day now, you can count on the fact that he's likely reached his birth weight (or close!) at this point, and when he's ready, he'll make that long-awaited appearance.

    Vernix caseosa covers baby's skin, protecting it from constant exposure to moisture. Baby's skin is very sensitive to touch, all over the body.

    Almost go-time!

    Once you've seen bloody show, labor is probably just a day or two away — though don't try to set your watch to it, since it's not a definite timetable. Just make sure your bag is packed!

  • Weeks 40 - 42

    Your baby is the size of a Jack Fruit.

    Now that you're 40 weeks pregnant, you're still technically in month 9 of pregnancy (even if it feels like longer). Your little one is fully prepped for life outside the womb, with all systems (including organs and reflexes) a go.

    Your little one could arrive any day.

    • Your baby's head has likely dropped lower into your pelvis, and his body is curled up tightly.
    • Uncomfortable back and groin pain and an increase in the strength of ‘practice pains' is common now.

    Some Symptoms?

    Contraction. - You may have felt Braxton Hicks contractions earlier in your pregnancy, but you'll know it's the real deal when your contractions hit at regular intervals and come more and more frequently.

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